Software installation on Linux

How to Download and Install Android Studio on Linux

To download and install Android Studio on Linux, follow these steps:

Step 1: Downloading Android Studio

  • To download Android Studio, go to the official Android Studio website at
  • Once on the website, click on the “Download Android Studio” button.
  • This will take you to a new page where you can choose the version of Android Studio that is compatible with your Linux distribution.

Step 2: Installing Android Studio

  • Once the Android Studio file has been downloaded, you will need to install it on your Linux machine.
  • Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the Android Studio file was downloaded.
  • Unzip the downloaded file by running the following command:

unzip android-studio-ide-*.zip

  • This will extract the Android Studio files to a new directory called “android-studio”.
  • Move the extracted folder to the /opt directory by running the following command:

sudo mv android-studio /opt/

  • This will move the Android Studio directory to the /opt directory, which is a standard location for installing third-party software.
  • Navigate to the /opt/android-studio/bin directory by running the following command:

cd /opt/android-studio/bin/

  • Run the script by running the following command:


  • This will launch the Android Studio Setup Wizard.
  • Follow the instructions in the Setup Wizard to complete the installation of Android Studio.

Step 3: Launching Android Studio

  • Once the installation is complete, you can launch Android Studio by running the following command:


  • This will open Android Studio on your Linux machine.

Step 4: Creating a Desktop Shortcut

  • If you want to create a desktop shortcut for Android Studio, follow these steps:
    • Open the terminal.
    • Navigate to the /usr/share/applications directory by running the following command:
    cd /usr/share/applications
    • Create a new desktop file by running the following command:
    sudo nano android-studio.desktop
    • This will open a text editor where you can create a new file called “android-studio.desktop”.
    • Copy and paste the following code into the file:
    [Desktop Entry] Name=Android Studio Comment=Integrated Development Environment for Android Exec=/opt/android-studio/bin/ Icon=/opt/android-studio/bin/studio.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;IDE;
    • Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter.
  • Now you can launch Android Studio from your desktop by clicking on its icon.

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